After our stay at Gundabooka it was off to Brewarrina, where we found a camp site next to the Barwon River about six kilometres from town. It was a lovely spot with the constant sounds of a variety of birds always evident in the background.
Restless Flycatcher |
This flycatcher lived up to its name, constantly flitting over the water, snapping up insects in mid-air.
Restless Flycatcher |
Stalking along the banks of the river was one of our larger species of water birds, along with a couple of others of the same family, all intent on a spot of fishing.
White-necked Heron |
White-necked Heron, Great Egret & White-faced Heron |
A soft trilling call in the trees near our van alerted me to the movements of this White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike. It was a dark phase bird, the first time I had seen this form of a species I don't often find, probably because of its quiet and unassuming nature.
White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike |
Barwon River at sunset |
In the waning light of the setting sun I was able to capture this kingfisher watching for that last bit of tucker before retiring for the evening.
Sacred Kingfisher |
Large flocks of Cockatiels (or Quarrions, derived from the Aboriginal - guwarrayin) were ever present in the nearby croplands. I love seeing these elegant and smallest members of the cockatoo family wheeling through the air, with their plaintive calls of "weero" accompanying every flight.
Cockatiels |
Cockatiels |
The bird list for our camp site and the close surrounding area came to about fifty species including Barking Owl, which we heard but failed to locate.
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