Tuesday, July 8, 2014


In early December 2012 we spent some time in the beautiful Bay of Fires Conservation Area, camping at Cosy Corner and enjoying the start of the southern summer. 

Taylors Beach

The bay came by its name when an English ships' captain, Tobias Furneaux, saw the fires of the original indigenous inhabitants along the beaches when exploring the east coast in 1773. Larapuna is the alternative name for this area.

The oystercatchers weren't particularly shy and it was nice to see them regularly on many of the beaches  we visited around Tasmania.

Pied Oystercatcher

Sooty Oystercatcher

It was unusual to see these gulls clambering about on some shrubbery near the campground. It seemed they were picking tiny berries from among the foliage, a bit of a change from their usual fishy fare.  

Silver Gull

One of the more common Tassie endemics was present but by no means allowing close proximity, the image below taken from some distance off.

Yellow-throated Honeyeater

A small flock of Black-Cockatoos did a flyby then settled in some nearby gums where one sat out in the open for a half decent shot.

Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo

I was pleased to spot a Frogmouth when walking one of the tracks a bit further inland one morning. Not a common occurrence because they are usually so cryptic when settled into their day time roost.

Tawny Frogmouth

Meanwhile back at our campsite a Shrike-thrush was being very conspicuous when pecking at it's reflection, even though the car mirror had been turned in earlier to prevent this from re-occurring. 

Grey Shrike-thrush

The granite boulders along the shoreline are splashed with orange lichen making for a colourful contrast against the blue summer sky. 

Cheers & Happy Birding


  1. Interesting write-up, John. The Frogmouth must certainly be pretty exciting. A nice collection of images this time as well.

  2. Thanks Wai Mun. The frogmouths are quite common, but not often seen.

  3. Hello John,
    The State Library of Queensland would like to archive your website in the National Library of Australia's web archive PANDORA at: http://pandora.nla.gov.au
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